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Strategy Profit indicators and how they're calculated
Updated over a month ago

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Each Copy Trading Strategy has two main profit indicators: Total (%) and Today's (%).

Total profit indicator(%)

Total profit indicator (%) reflects the change of Strategy Provider's Equity in percentage.

If the Strategy Provider makes a deposit or a withdrawal from the Strategy account, this will affect the Total profit indicator.

In this case, the Total profit (%) indicator will show a compound percentage of all separate Profit and Loss percentages of all periods between each deposit and withdrawal.

Change of Provider’s Equity and Strategy performance

Any deposits or withdrawals made by the Strategy Provider without trading do not affect the profitability of a Strategy (Profit %).

Here are a few example when and how Strategy Providers Equity or profitability can change:

1️⃣ Deposits don't change Profit %:

For example, a Strategy Provider makes a deposit of 0.5 BTC to the strategy. Here's how the Strategy indicators would change:

Initial Provider's Equity

Profit %


1.5 BTC



2.0 BTC


As you can see, while the Provider's Equity has increased, the profitability remains the same after a deposit.

2️⃣ Withdrawals don't change Profit %:

Similarly, withdrawals do not affect profitability of a Strategy. Here's how the Strategy indicators would change after a 0.5 BTC withdrawal:

Initial Provider's Equity

Profit %


1.5 BTC



1.0 BTC


As you can see, while the Provider's Equity has decreased, the profitability remains the same after a withdrawal.

3️⃣ Change of Strategy's Profit % and Equity indicators

Here's an example of how a Strategy's indicators would change if a Provider trades, deposits and withdrawals:

  1. With an Initial Equity of $100, a Strategy Provider makes profit of $50 (+50%) and increases Strategy's Equity to $150.

  2. The Provider then makes a deposit of $100, and increases the Equity to $250. After depositing, the Provider earns an additional $50 in profit.

The additional $50 of profit is made on top of the $250 Equity, so the Profit %t is calculated from the total Equity: 50 from 250 = 20%.

Profit % is always compounded, not added. This means that all Profit % made by the Strategy Provider will equal to 80%.

  1. The Provider then makes a withdrawal of $200, and decreases the Equity to $100. After the withdrawal, the Provider incurs loss of -$50.

Similarly, Loss in % is calculated from the total Equity: 50 from 100 = -50%.

The compounded Profit % in the Strategy will now equal to -10%.


Equity change


Total P/L

Profit %


Total profit %

Initial Equity: $100







Deposit: +$100







Withdrawal: -$200







It is important to note, that while the Total Profit of the Strategy was +$50 (positive), Total Profit % was -10% (negative).

To understand only the profitability of your Copying, ignore the Strategy Provider's Equity and pay attention to the Profit % of your Copying on the Portfolio page.

Today's profit indicator (%)

Today’s profit indicator (%) reflects the change of Strategy Provider's Equity from the beginning of a trading day.

Today's profit indicator is the difference between the current Provider's Equity and the Initial Provier's Equity - Equity at the beginning of a trading day.

4️⃣ Change of Strategy's Total and Today's profit indicators (%)

Here's an example of how Strategy's Total and Today indicators would change on one trading day:

  1. A Strategy Provider deposits $100 into the Strategy. This is called the Initial Equity.

  2. The Provider then trades and makes a profit of $60. This will increase the Initial Equity from $100 to $160. Total Profit % will be equal to 60%.

  3. The Provider trades again and makes an additional $5 of profit.

The $5 increase in Equity (from $160 to $165) indicates that:

  • Increase of Initial Equity of $100 by $5 = 5% increase of Total profit %.

  • Increase of Today's Equity $160 by $5 = 3.12% increase in Today's profit %.

Total profit % and Today's profit % are different indicators. Here are the factors you should consider to understand their value:

  • Initial Equity of a Strategy

  • Deposits and withdrawal in a Strategy

  • Equity changes: Realised and Unrealised P/L, trade fees, and overnight financing.

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