Downloading the PrimeXBT app is quick and easy.
Depending on your device, you can download our app from the App Store or Google Play.
How to install the PrimeXBT app for IOS
To install the PrimeXBT app on your Android device, you can download it from Google Play.
Simply open this App Store link on your IOS device
Once you access the PrimeXBT page, click Install to download the app. Follow the steps, and start using PrimeXBT.
How to install the PrimeXBT for Android (2 options)
Download the app on Google Play
To install the PrimeXBT app on your Android device, you can download it from Google Play.
Simply open this Google Play link on your Android device
Once you access the PrimeXBT page, click Install to download the app. Follow the steps, and start using PrimeXBT.
Download the APK file
If you want to directly install the PrimeXBT app to your Android device without using Google Play, you can download the APK file.
Download the PrimeXBT APK file
Step by step guide about downloading the APK app
Step by step guide about downloading the APK app
Begin by downloading the APK file from the official link provided above.
Open your device’s file manager. Navigate to the Downloads folder in the Files app on your device
Locate and select the PrimeXBT APK file. Tap on the downloaded file to proceed. A security prompt may appear—this is standard for APK installations.
Enable installation permissions. Tap Settings in the prompt and enable the "Allow from this source" option. Once done, return to the Downloads folder.
Install the app. Select the APK file again and tap Install. Once the installation is complete, the PrimeXBT app will be ready to use on your device.
And that's all you've made it!